1. Purpose
These Terms of Service (“TOS”) are a contract between you, or the entity on whose behalf you are executing this agreement (“you” or “your”), and 1toHost (“1toHost”, “we”, “us”, or “our”). By corresponding with us, browsing our web properties, or using our Services, you agree to abide by these TOS. We reserve the right to modify these TOS at any time. By continuing to use our services, you agree to be bound by the modifications. The most recent version of the TOS can be found on our website at: http://www.1tohost.com/terms-of-service/
2. Currency
All prices denoted on our website are in SGD currency. If your debit or credit card’s primary currency is not in SGD, your card issuer will apply a conversion based on their exchange rates which we have no control over.
3. Services
Subject to the terms of this Agreement, 1toHost agrees to provide the web hosting services described in the Order for the fees stated in the Order.
4. Term
The initial service term of the Agreement shall begin on the date that 1toHost generates an e-mail message to you announcing the activation of the your account (the “Service Commencement Date”) and shall continue for the number of months stated in the Order (the “Initial Term”). Upon expiration of the Initial Term, this Agreement shall automatically renew for as many successive renewal terms of the same length as the Initial Term (each a “Renewal Term”) unless 1toHost or you provide the other with written notice of non-renewal. The Initial Term and any Renewal Term may be referred to collectively in this Agreement as the “Term.”
5. Payments
We accept payment through Credit Card and PayPal for all customers including International customers. For Singapore customers, we also accept payments through Cheque, PayNow and Bank Transfer.
Fees are payable in advance on the first day of each billing cycle. Your billing cycle shall be annually or biennially as indicated on the Order, beginning on the Service Commencement Date. Where an invoice is delivered to you, you shall remit payment to 1toHost by no later than the specified payment due date.
For credit/ debit card billing, you authorize 1toHost to bill subsequent fees to the credit/ debit card on or after the first day of each successive billing cycle during the Term of this Agreement. It is your obligation to ensure that your credit card may be charged.
If you have setup a PayPal subscription, PayPal will automatically transfer the due fees to us based on the billing schedule set out in the subscription. It is your obligation to ensure that your PayPal account is sufficiently funded.
All payments to 1toHost are non-refundable except for the first payment which falls under the fourteen (14) day money back guarantee.
1toHost may suspend the service without notice if payment for the service is overdue. 1toHost shall be entitled to immediately terminate this agreement for your failure to make timely payments to 1toHost.
Reinstatement of service following a suspension of service for non-payment will incur a one-time administrative fee of $100.00. We may waive this fee at our sole discretion.
6. Website Transfer
We offer complementary website transfer with the purchase of any of our Services. If you are moving to us from another hosting provider, we can assist with the transfer of your website’s data from your previous hosting provider to our servers.
Our staffs will make every effort to help you to transfer your website’s data to us, however this is done on a courtesy basis and we cannot make any guarantee about the success of the website transfer and the amount of time involved.
To ensure fairness for all Customers, website transfer requests are processed in the order that we receive them. This process can potentially take up to 48 hours depending on transfer queue size, but we will usually complete them much sooner. If a transfer request needs to be fulfilled before a certain date/time, please reach out to us in advance so it can be scheduled for you.
Due to possible differences between your previous provider’s hosting environment and ours, it is possible that your website may not function properly after the transfer. It is your responsibility to check for possible issues, as well as the integrity of your website’s data and inform us immediately if there is any issue, so that we can investigate and address accordingly. You are encouraged to maintain your previous hosting provider’s service for at least 14 days after your website has been transferred to us, in order to allow you buffer time to look through your transferred website’s data thoroughly and raise any possible issue to us for investigation.
7. Price Adjustments
We reserve the right to adjust the prices of any of our Services at our sole discretion. If there is to be a price adjustment, we will provide advance notice of at least 30 days to you. If you do not give a notice of non-renewal, you shall be deemed to have accepted the new fee for that Renewal Term and any subsequent Renewal Terms.
8. Discontinuation
We reserve the right to discontinue any of our Services at our sole discretion. If a particular service is to be discontinued, we will provide advance notice of at least 30 days to you.
9. Cancellation
Cancellation requests must be submitted via the online form on our contact page. No other form of cancellation will be accepted. You will be responsible for all charges for the duration of the then active Initial or Renewal Term. No refunds will be given for premature cancellation. It is your responsibility to cancel any PayPal subscription that you may have setup.
Before cancelling, please contact us and request an escalation of your issue if your cancellation is due to unsatisfactory services or an unsatisfactory answer to a previous issue.
10. Indemnification
You agree to indemnify and hold harmless 1toHost, 1toHost’s affiliates, and each of their respective officers, directors, and employees from and against any and all claims, demands, liabilities, obligations, losses, damages, penalties, fines, punitive damages, amounts in interest, expenses and disbursements of any kind and nature whatsoever (including reasonable attorneys fees) brought by a third party under any theory of legal liability arising out of or related to the actual or alleged use of your services in violation of applicable law or any person using your log on information, regardless of whether such person has been authorized to use the services by you.
11. Disclaimer of Warranties
1toHost does not warrant or represent that the services will be uninterrupted, error-free, or completely secure. To the extent permitted by applicable law 1toHost disclaims any and all warranties including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. To the extent permitted by applicable law, all services are provided on an “as is” basis.
12. Limitation of Damages
Neither party shall be liable to the other for any lost profits, or any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive loss or damage of any kind, or for damages that could have been avoided by the use of reasonable diligence, arising in connection with the agreement, even if the party has been advised or should be aware of the possibility of such damages.
13. Suspension/ Termination
1toHost reserves the right to immediately suspend or cancel the Services without notice: (i) for a violation of these TOS, (ii) for your failure to pay any amounts due, (iii) to prevent a service interruption by an Internet Service Provider or other network services provider, (iv) to protect the integrity of 1toHost’s network or the security of the Services, or (v) for hosting illegal contents (Eg. Spam scripts/ Bruteforce programs/ File Dump/ Bulk SMS Gateway/ Promoting illegal activities/ Pornography/ Lottery/ Chain Letters/Pyramid schemes/ Cryptocurrency/ Bitcoin Miners/ Fraudulent sites/ Streaming of live events). You are not entitled to notice or protest should we exercise these rights. Upon termination, your account will be closed, data deleted, and all fees and charges due and payable must be paid to us. Once your account is closed, we have no responsibility to forward email, or other communications or maintain any data backup that predates the termination date. If allowed, you are encouraged to keep the Service active during a transition period should you seek to forward your email or other communications. Refunds will not be provided for violation of TOS.
14. Requests for Customer Information
You agree that 1toHost may, without notice to you, (i) report to the appropriate authorities any conduct by you that 1toHost believes violates applicable law, and (ii) provide any information that it has about you or any of your customers or end users in response to a formal or informal request from a law enforcement or regulatory agency or in response to a formal request in a civil action that on its face meets the requirements for such a request.
15. Data Backups
1toHost is not responsible for any data loss or corruption, including that resulting from: (i) our authorized actions, (ii) those actions you take using the Services, (iii) hardware failures, (iv) any software or other technology failures, or (v) account termination, cancellation, or suspension.
You acknowledge that it is your full responsibility to maintain regular backups of all data that you host on our servers. While we perform routine backup of your data, these backups are not meant to replace your own backups. The backups we carry out are solely meant for administrative purposes in the event of a disaster recovery. 1toHost makes no absolute guarantee that a backup can be provided.
16. Changes to Network
Upgrades and other changes in 1toHost’s network, including, but not limited to changes in its software, hardware, and service providers, may affect the display or operation of your hosted content and/or applications. 1toHost reserves the right to change its network in its commercially reasonable discretion, and 1toHost shall not be liable for any resulting harm to you.
17. Bandwidth Usage
1toHost will monitor your bandwidth and shall have the right to take corrective action if your usage negatively impacts other customers.
18. Account Security
The security of your cPanel, FTP, email accounts are your responsibility. We recommend your password to be at least 8 characters and contain a combination of at least an upper-case alphabet, a lower-case alphabet, a number and a symbol.
All scripts must be kept up to date (this includes extensions, plugins and themes) or otherwise be secured against unauthorized intrusion or hacking.
19. System and Network Security
Users are prohibited from violating or attempting to violate the security of the Network. Violations of system or network security may result in civil or criminal liability. 1toHost will investigate occurrences, which may involve such violations and may involve, and cooperate with, law enforcement authorities in prosecuting users who are involved in such violations.
20. SPAM and Unsolicited Commercial Email
Unsolicited commercial email, or SPAM, is prohibited. You shall not use our services for chain letters, junk mail, spamming, or any use of distribution lists to any person who has not given specific permission to be included in such a process. You also shall not engage in any unsolicited email practices, or otherwise, that mentions or reference any domain hosted on 1toHost servers.
21. Resource Usage
Under no circumstances are you allowed to run any daemons, servers or compile anything under your account without direct permission from 1toHost management. Shell access is meant to be used solely with basic file system usage.
System Resources
You’re not allowed to use an excessive amount of system resources for an extended period of time. If your account is found to be utilizing a large amount of resources we will contact you and give you further information. Under extreme cases suspension may be necessary until the issue can be resolved.
Cron Usage
You may not have cron jobs in intervals lower than 1 minutes a part.
Account Limitations
You may use your account for personal use but not as a backup facility for automated backups or things of that nature. If you’re unsure if your intended use violates this TOS please contact us so we can clarify it for you.
Inode Limits
All budget and business shared hosting plans are limited to 250,000 inodes. Semi dedicated hosting plan “Semi1”is limited to 500,000 inodes, whereas “Semi2” and “Semi3” are both limited to 1,000,000 inodes each.
22. Force Majeure
1toHost shall not be in default of any obligation under the Agreement if the failure to perform the obligation is due to any event beyond 1toHost’s control, including, without limitation, significant failure of a portion of the power grid, significant failure of the Internet, natural disaster, war, riot, insurrection, epidemic, strikes or other organized labor action, terrorist activity, or other events of a magnitude or type for which precautions are not generally taken in the industry.
23. Support
1toHost provides support to customers via our website online form or email.
24. Refund Policy
14-Day Money-Back Guarantee offer is only applicable to credit/ debit card / PayPal payments. Other forms of payment are non-refundable. No refund will be provided past the 14 days period and only first-time accounts are eligible for a refund. Violations of our Terms of Service will void the Refund Policy.
25. Governing Law
This Agreement shall be subject to and interpreted in all respects in accordance with the laws of Singapore.